The Snyderverse WON'T be restored, here's why.

Now, for the past few weeks there’s been a demand from the Snyder fanbase to “Restore The Snyderverse” and to either:

A) Give Snyder a few direct-to-HBO Justice League movies to wrap things up

B) Put Snyder back in charge of the DCEU

Like the DC movie fanbase after Snyder came along, this fanbase is also really divisive – some believe that Snyder deserves to make the movies and must have a canon storyline, some just want to see him finish the movies he had planned as a multiverse project. Some just ask for Justice League 2 and 3, some for JL 2&3 and an entire Batfleck miniseries, another Man of Steel movie and such. But here’s the thing – probably none of them will ever happen.

Now, before you downvote me into oblivion for not agreeing with you – please read why I think that. In my opinion, the biggest reason of this and the most important one is numbers. For this one, I will try to get into the more financial side of things, I have pulled up many sources and read many different stats to explain myself. Anyways, here it is.

The biggest reason why the Snyderverse probably won’t continue and was cancelled is because of numbers. One of the most important things in Hollywood. The first big number is the production budget for Snyder’s movies. Want to know how much BvS cost them? About 250 million dollars, which doesn’t include the ~150 million they spent on international marketing. A lot of people think the production budget doesn’t matter, and that’s just wrong. It matters, a lot. Especially when it’s such a big one. But wait, the movie made 800 million! So they made about 400 million dollars, right? No. When cut down all cinema share, shipping, big head, actor and other takes – the number comes down to just 100 million dollars. The number was revealed by Deadline, a reliable accounting and box office source.


Well, 100 million dollars! That’s good, right? And yes, it is. It’s nothing to scoff at, but let’s take another DC movie, Shazam. By many, it’s considered to be an underperformer, it made about 360 million dollars, and this doesn’t sound like much considering Marvel is making twice as much on their lesser-known characters. But when you do the same process you did for BvS and calculate the profits, want to know how much Shazam reeled in? 75 million dollars. A movie with a production budget that’s almost three times smaller made almost as much as BvS, a 250 million dollar movie about Batman fighting Superman. Now, ask yourself – why would Warner want to make movies that cost hundreds of millions, take years in-between to be released and get poor critical reception when they can make the same cash with movies like Shazam? Hell, much more with movies like Joker. You might say it’s oh for the fans, and if you do – what? Do you think these studios make movies for the fans? Yes, they at many times listen to them – but they only do to see what cashes in well, not to make what only you want. And Snyder’s movies haven’t cashed in well, need another example? Man of Steel. It made about 700 million dollars, that’s almost twice as much as Shazam! So it must be more profitable, right? Nope! Man of Steel reeled in a profit of 40 million dollars for the studio, which’s almost 2x less than Shazam, even though Man of Steel’s box office score is almost 2x bigger. Superman made less money for Warner Brothers than our boy Billy Batson did, doesn’t that paint a picture?


Now, let’s look at another set of numbers, second-week box office drops. These are important as well, as they can sometimes determine a lot. Now, how big of a drop did Batman v Superman have? Well, it sure did break records at performing poorly. It is still taking 6th place in the biggest second-week box office drops among superhero movies and is in the top 150 in movies overall. Don’t worry, it’s sitting nice and cosy amongst movies like Playmobil: The Movie, or Hellboy 2, and oh – let’s not forget Dark Pheonix. Batman v Superman dropped a big 69% (nice, I know) in its second week. For comparison, Aquaman only dropped 23% and Shazam dropped 53%, much less than Man of Steel’s second-week drop of 67.9%


Truthfully, BvS could’ve reached that billion mark everyone was predicting if it was a good movie and hadn’t dropped so much – Snyder’s movies get such poor critical reception and have so little re-watchability that they drop hard. And those drops cause a lot of troubles. I mean, it’s embarrassing enough to have your Batman movie in the same list as Playmobil and Dark Pheonix in performance scores.

Another piece of numbers comes from the Snyder fanbase – the fanbase has this idea that the Snyderverse has huge demand and is a guaranteed success. But really, when you look at it – the fanbase IS NOT that big. Yeah, the hashtag has around 1.5 million tweets, but if you’d look at it closely – check how many people post the hashtag multiple times. If you see someone posting it, you’ll probably find the same hashtag in their account posted hundreds of times. If they released data of how many unique accounts posted the hashtag, I doubt it crosses 200 thousand. Do you know how many signatures Release The Snyder Cut got? 200 thousand. Do you know how many signatures Restore The Snyderverse currently has? 40 thousand. Where’s that 1.46 million we’re missing? The Snyderverse fanbase isn’t that big, it’s just loud. The demand just isn’t there, just because a TVTime poll says there’s demand that doesn’t mean much because the numbers speak for themselves. The fanbase is obviously trying to bump the numbers up by spamming, harassing other filmmakers, review bombing other WB movies (which GvK is experiencing now) and other things. There’s no real demand to justify WB spending hundreds of millions to satisfy a loud group of fans.

Snyder Fans =/= DC Fans


The last numbers I will shove at your face are about the Snyder Cut. According to SambaTV, when tracking the numbers of Smart TV’s across the United States, about 1.8 million households watched the Snyder Cut on HBOMax over a period of four days, while with Wonder Woman 84, about 2.2 million households watched that movie over THREE days. In a day less, Wonder Woman 84 had more viewers. Now, this isn’t exactly an accurate number because this only tracks Smart TVs. But this paints a picture. And another piece of data SambaTV revealed is that from the 1.8m viewers that bothered to tune in into the Snyder cut, only ONE-THIRD of all those viewers bothered to finish it. Ouch. And here’s another thing, WW84 had its streaming scores released 3 days after the movie aired because they were really good, yet the Snyder Cut has had no official score released yet. Doesn’t that kind of paint a picture? Oh, and don’t say it’s because it was a huge success and WB doesn’t want the scores out. Because it’s not up to WB, WB is a division of AT&T the same way HBO is, and AT&T and HBOMax are the ones that wanted this project to succeed and be out there, WB isn’t ruled by just one person with a Snyder-grudge who calls all the shots, there are hundreds, thousands of employees.


Okay, so this is it, basically. HBO and Warner have no financial ground or reason to continue the Snyderverse. The fanbase isn’t big enough, the movies don’t make a good enough return and there’s just not much reason to continue. The Snyder Cut was meant to be it, an end to Snyder’s trilogy. You fought 4 years for it and you fought hard, and you got it – so be happy. Don’t spend another 4 years, because this time the odds are stacked against you. This is NOT the same situation, HBO finished the Snyder Cut because of a lack of original content on Max and because it was 70% finished with almost all filming done. They only needed to throw 70 million dollars to finish the CGI for the movie. With the Snyderverse, they’d have to get ALL the actors on board again, would need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars and would need to plug their ears and continue when the money doesn’t return and the reviews are negative. They want to make movies that apply to a bigger and brighter audience. They want to build an audience of all kinds, of all races and ethnicities. They don’t just want the same old Snyder fans and the DC fans to watch their movies, they want the general audience to. While Marvel tries to make movies that anyone can enjoy, DC wants to make a movie for everyone. And that’s how they plan to beat Marvel. STOP the cycle of harassment, the cycle of hate and division amongst the DCEU fanbase. The Snyder fanbase has done great things, but this movement isn’t one of them.

TL;DR - WB and HBO have no financial ground to jumpstart a Snyderverse again, and the fanbase isn't big enough to warrant a profit, considering every past Snyder DC movie has underperformed. Newer movies like Shazam and Joker all perform better and get higher profits.

submitted by /u/Avgust_mc
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