Films about women as the killer/psychopath without men being their motive?

Hello! Very new to this subreddit and honestly to film in general but I was just wondering if anybody had any recommendations for films that are based around women being the unhinged ones BUT without it being provoked by love / r*pe / men in general? I feel as if there are a lot of great films that portray men in these ways without women being their main motives (although maybe included) and just wanted to see if anybody had any they’d like to share!

Maybe I’m wrong and there’s many out there, it’s just I haven’t really seen them around and I definitely see men as a focal point for being the offenders whilst women seem to only be victims. I guess it parallels real life in a sense but I know there’s more to women than just that. I’m not saying I’d like to see films where women just kill men, in fact I’m sick of those revenge plots, I just want to see if there’s any that explore women in that mental state in such a way without it being rooted from stuff like sexual assault, love etc (of course if they include these elements then it’s fine, I just don’t want it to be the only motive?)

Again I’m new to film in general but I am quite a fan of films that explore people in dangerous mental states (The House that Jack Built, Joker, Midsommar etc) so if you have any at all it’d be really appreciated! Also, very sorry that this is so long but I find myself quite confusing at times. Thank you :)

submitted by /u/londcncalling
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