For me, watching the Austin Powers movie is a bittersweet experience.

I know some of you will tell me I’m wrong or it’s in my head, but watching these movies and then watching new movies I get the feeling like the comedic atmosphere that facilitated the Austin Powers movies (the Mike Meyers movies themselves) is dead and not coming back.

These movies know what they are and they don’t shy away from it. They exist to make you laugh so hard you can’t trust yourself to take a sip of a drink lest you spit it out or it goes up your nose while laughing. They know that they’re “lowbrow” comedy and they don’t care. They know what works. Schoolboy style silly humour where you think “that’d never happen in real life... but man, don’t you wish it would!”.

These movies are jam pack full of innuendo, naughtiness, slapstick humour and everything else. They’re aimed at people who don’t feel the need to feign any sort of high society culture, they just want to turn their brain off and laugh. But these movies aren’t by any stretch of the imagination “dumb”. Mike Meyers is a very smart, very talented entertainer.

Perhaps I’m wrong. Is it just me? Am I crazy? I just feel like these movies are the mark of a sadly bygone era that we’re unlikely to get back any time soon.

If you haven’t watched the Austin Powers trilogy, please, please do yourself a favour and watch them.

submitted by /u/AA005555
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