Donnie Darko theory

Okay so I watched “The last temptation of Christ” last week, and tonight I rewatched Donnie Darko. That’s when I remembered something I noticed earlier but did not consider. Spoiler warning issued. The films are essentially the same in the story.

My first proof, is that Donnie Darko is set in October 1988. When Donnie leaves the cinema , we see The last temptation being shown.

My second point is Donnies fate. At the beginning of the film, Donnie cheats death. He lives a fairly good life in this time, although he is plagued by visions and is led to commit crimes. However at the end of the film, Donnie accepts his fate and gets back into bed, ready to meet death to save humanity. This is the exact same story as in the last temptation, (and the bible obviously) as Jesus accepts his fate on the cross after being shown the chance of a normal life by the devil. Both save the world through self sacrafise.

My final proof is the acts Donnie commits. Just as Jesus aims to cleanse the temple, Donnie wants to free his school. This could be why he stands against the ridiculous nature of some of his lessons, and ridiculed and later burnt down Cunninghams house. This could be compared to Jesus attack on the market in the temple. The death of Gretchen could also be seen in the same way as the death of Magdalene in the last temptation. They both die as a result of this alternate reality that Jesus and Donnie both created.

Finally, the references to God himself . His therapist asks Donnie when he talks about following his path if it’s Gods path. Whoever’s path this is , it could easily be linked to Gods path for Jesus in which he is destined to die on the cross to save humanity.

In conclusion Donnie Darko could be being compared to Jesus deliberately, to intensity his heroic deeds. It’s also possible that this was pure coincidence. Either way this is clear proof that Donnie Darko is a total goat.

submitted by /u/Hazzar180
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