Blade (1998)

I would like to start this post off by saying I'm a huge DC fan. I am also a huge white Sox fan so that will explain my tolerance for DC.

The intro to blade, in my opinion, is one of the best comic intros I have ever seen. I wouldn't be surprised if this has already been mentioned on this thread. I was 7 years old when I saw this film. I had no idea who blade is or if it was even a person. Just watching this random couple go to a hidden club full of vampires peaked my interest significantly. Wesley Snipes is a total bad ass from start to finish.

If you haven't seen it, please do. I will even go as far to say it is the greatest intro ever.

Side note: in the topic of great intros, 28 weeks later is an amazing zombie intro.

Another side note :I am drunk.

submitted by /u/clydegibson
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