Nocturnal Animals (2016)

Nocturnal Animals is a 2016 thriller, written and directed by fashion designer Tom Ford, and based on the novel Tony and Susan, by Austin Wright.

The film features a stellar ensemble cast of actors including Jake Gyllenhaal, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. For his work in the film, Shannon was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar. At the Golden Globes, it was nominated for Best Director and Best Screenplay. Taylor-Johnson won the Best Supporting Actor GG for his work in the film - his performance is truly phenomenal. For another actor to shine so brightly in scenes opposite both Michael Shannon and Jake Gyllenhaal is quite a feat - Taylor-Johnson steps up to the plate in a truly awesome way.

I won't get into the plot of Nocturnal Animals herein, and I advise you to go into watching the film with a clean slate. The trailer (linked) is great in that it doesn't give too much away about the story.

Nocturnal Animals is a favorite of mine, for many reasons. It's one of those movies which really sticks with you. After watching it, I was compelled to seek out the source material, and to read and watch several analyses of the film.

If you haven't yet seen it, I can't recommend it highly enough.

Tom Ford has only made two films, so far - this one, and A Single Man, which is also excellent.

I can't wait to see what he does next.

submitted by /u/EmilioEarhart
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