Looking for an obscure smaller film: A teen boy becomes friends/close with a single woman in the 50's or 60's, etc.... mostly takes place in a small house in suburbia.

Okay, so.... there are 24.4M people in this group and an average of tens of thousands online. Rally for my pointless inquiry!!!

I am looking for a movie.... I watched it on TV sometime between like 1997 and 2007. It was made between the late 80's and early 2000's. I am pretty sure it takes place in the 40's, 50's or 60's, possibly the 70's. I do not remember the actors or the title or the plot synopsis as it might be described officially.

If I recall there's a young teenage boy, like between 12-17 years old- but on the younger side of that range. There's a woman who lives alone in a house. I think she's a widow or a spinster or possibly queer and therefore quietly inactive in her town. She's very beautiful. Kind of a Marilyn Monroe type physically but otherwise a mature personality. Well dressed.

The boy reminded me a lot of like, the kids from Stand By Me, but a couple years older. So if those guys were 12-14 this kid would be like 13-16 in appearance. But very similar costume design, hair design, etc. I think he even rides a bike.

They develop some form of a bond or a friendship. Lots of scenes of him coming over and her and him just talking about life in her living room, in the dark,. I don't think it becomes sexual. More mentorship over a connection of some kind. I forget why he starts coming over or how they meet or where the plot goes.

I watched it as an afternoon matinee film on a local channel. KRON 4, I think, in the bay area. I think.

That's all the information I have for you. I wish I l had more. I can picture them in the house and the vibe of the film but I can't remember a single other detail and it popped into my head recently and its been nagging me and I tried googling, I tried the various IMDb search engines. This is another hail mary I'm throwing out there to find out what movie I am thinking of.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Icy-Engineering1583
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/ko408r/looking_for_an_obscure_smaller_film_a_teen_boy/
