How was Ratatouille rated G?

My favorite Pixar movie and I just noticed it received a G rating by the MPAA. The movie contains:

  • an elderly woman using a shotgun on the rats
  • scene of a woman holding a man at gun point and then they start making out
  • the use of the word “hell” (which I know is like the lightest swear word)
  • many references to war and murder (“I once killed a man with this thumb”, one of the chefs being part of a failed resistance, etc)
  • one of the chefs history includes getting fired from a job for “messing around with the boss’s daughter”
  • multiple scenes containing the consumption of alcohol
  • Skinner using alcohol to coax a confession from Linguini, which results in him getting drunk

Not complaining. I don’t have kids or particularly care about ratings. Just found it interesting that it’s rated G on Disney+. Seems like the definition of PG.

submitted by /u/Adhiboy
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