GOOD or BAD: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

Directed by Tim Burton, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has always been a movie I’ve enjoyed. I actually watched this movie before seeing the Gene Wilder version. I liked the look of the movie, it being a Burton production and all, just different parts of the factory and different gadgets made it visually interesting.

I also didn’t hate Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. Sure, this Willy Wonka isn’t nearly as good as the Wilder version. Why? Because it’s Gene Wilder. I just love how Wilder’s Wonka acted like he knew how everything would go down. He could also go from charming to terrifying and insane at the drop of the hat.

So yeah, not a perfect movie but it’s one I don’t mind rewatching every few years.

submitted by /u/ggroover97
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