Can We Admit Gal Gadot Isn't That Great An Actress?

She's been in like four of these movies already and she's just....flat. I had only really seen her in Wonder Woman at the time that movie came out and I've since seen her in a lot of things. People compare her to Arnold but what he lacked in serious acting skills, he's no Denzel Washington, he makes up in personality and comedic timing. The best Arnold movies usually just have him playing some heightened version of himself and he's great at that. Arnold is kind of hilarious. Gal is a nice woman I'm sure but she doesn't really have a ton of charisma. People keep saying she does but honestly I don't see it.

I think she could be a great stunt woman but any scrns involving her having to emote with her face just doesn't work for me. WW1 the Movie was saved by Chris Pine and everyone else giving it 100 percent. Combine that a decent script that thankfully gives her more punching than talking and you're golden. WW84 has a lot of problems and some of that can boil down to direction and scripting. But a good actor can make an underwritten character or story beat feel whole and lived in. Oscar Isaac has been in more shitty movies than good ones at this point yet he consistently is the best part of any of them. Half the time you don't even fully understand why this character is in the story but he comes off so convincingly you can ignore it. Going back to Arnold, they almost never give him any backstory in any of these movies. He never hides his accent. They never explain why he's so jacked in half of these. But you don't care because even when the story is ridiculous you want to see him in this ridiculous setup. Gal doesn't have that quality yet. She can develop it. But who knows if she will.

There were so many moments in WW84 that were obviously not written great but I think a better Actor could have made this movie way more enjoyable. Like the relationship between her and Barbara was definitely underwritten and I wasn't sure of Diana's actual feelings towards her. I think a better actress could help flesh out some of those moments. Again think Poe and Finn. They have shared very screen time together yet fans claim their relationship is one of the better parts of the first movie. None of that is in the script. That's all on the acting.

submitted by /u/IsaiahTrenton
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