'The Metamorphosis of Birds' is one of the best films I have ever seen

I don't think I even have the words to describe this film, so I might as well let the poets speak. It's the best thing I've seen this year, and one of the most profound and moving pieces of art I have seen in my whole life; maybe on a further watch, I'll have the words to express my feelings.

It's a film that transcends the documentary genre, and that even transcends film itself, it becomes a poem, an ode to life, to existence, to the mother, to death. It's about human fragility and our ignorance of the world. We will never be able to understand life itself, so we create stories, we invent, we search for meaning, for hope, for something greater than ourselves; for the sky. And maybe that's the reason that death affects us so much, because it's beyond any comprehension, and in the end, we will all turn the color of dust.

But there are things stronger than the fire, and maybe we can become more than we see, and become what we feel. We live through the voices of people, through stories, and memories; people live in the empty places they once inhabited, in the objects and the roots of the trees, in the landscape, in the skies that escape our understanding.

Catarina Vasconcelos' style is incredibly poetic, filled with sensibility and passion. She creates history through powerful imagery, a perfect sense of composition, and amazing use of music and cinematography. Her film encapsulates life, and it's something that takes you whole, you become a part of this world, an it becomes something soothing, that speak to the deeper sides of the soul. But it's also a piece on the power of art and cinema, how the stories we create transcend fiction and reality (in the same vein as the master Abbas Kiarostami), and they become a testament, another memory that may last as long as the trees.

2020 ranked

submitted by /u/Hobbit-guy
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/k2g1f9/the_metamorphosis_of_birds_is_one_of_the_best/
