Tenet revelation


"Unoperable pancreatic cancer, if he can't live, no one can"

Yeah. I felt that.

I personally have felt a strange limbo in my life ever since 2006. My father passed from pancreatic cancer, unoperable. Payment ock Suave, Alex Trebeck. I'm reminded of this nightmare. Still, I certainly didn't expect this movie to bring that up. I am a father of a little one and often find myself running through an equal mix of tormenting scenarios: my child, living a wonderful life and..not.


Motor vehicle accident.


Drug overdose.


And so on and so on and so on. The endless nightmare mixed with the hopeful dream. An amazing life. Jesus, I did not expect this movie of all things to bring up my pain from the past with my fears of the future.

Sorry. I had to get that out of my system. I can't air these fears and hopes to social media. Call me weak, I prefer to think of it as not wanting those in my social world to know all my fears and hopes and thoughts.

Fuck you nolan for choosing that. And thank you nolan for choosing that. Guess I should just suck it up and accept the fact that what happens, happens, and I need to do my best for my child every day.

submitted by /u/HopperPI
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/k3op6m/tenet_revelation/
