The Mysterious Stranger scene from Adventures of Mark Twain

I love how, without any violence directed at the children, nearly everything Satan says in this eerie sequence is intended to hurt or insult them.

The very first words he speaks starts with "hell" and he introduces himself as an angel, a technical truth, and politely invites them into the abyss.

He then creates a garden and offer the children fruit. Considering what happened the last time this situation arose, this supposedly nice gesture of welcome is instead a joke made at the their expense.

Following this train of thought, the devil offers them clay to create their own people and mockingly reenacts the creation of humanity while showing them to be small and petty creatures.

He then destroys it all, and defends his actions by saying that not only has he done nothing wrong, he can't, since he doesn't know right from wrong. This is also said at the children's expense in that they ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and should know better.

Confronted with the children's horror at this senseless creation and destruction, he shrugs, and points out that more life can always be created so what does it matter? He ends with a speech devaluing life as a thing so ephemeral and easily created, it is empty and worthless, while he himself ironically falls into an empty abyss.

submitted by /u/SuddenlyStar
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