Why does Francis Ford Coppola keep paying for convicted child molester Victor Salva's films?


I watched a show tonight that made me sick to my stomach about Coppola, a filmmaker who's otherwise usually scandal-free. Here's a clip: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/754380807

This isn't some QAnon stuff; it's all well-documented. Victor Salva was convicted of molesting Nathan Winters, a child actor in Clownhouse, which is a movie Coppola backed via Zoetrope. Coppola took a personal interest in Salva after seeing a short he made, which is why he helped get Clownhouse made. After Salva got out of jail, Coppola kept funding his films, e.g. the entire Jeepers Creepers series. Why??

Here's a great BuzzFeed article on Victor Salva's mysterious continuing career: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kateaurthur/victor-salva-jeepers-creepers-pedophile

I know Hollywood likes to shelter abusers & perpetuate cycles, but...why does Francis Ford Coppola keep personally going out of his way for this guy? This guy who molested an actor on the set of a movie Coppola was backing? Who got Coppola's company sued in the process?

submitted by /u/MrOrsonWelles
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/j16hl3/why_does_francis_ford_coppola_keep_paying_for/
