Punch-Drunk Love is Extremely Relatable And Isn’t Talked About Enough.

In my opinion, Punch-Drunk Love is a extraordinary film that hits close to home. Barry Egan is so relatable to me as someone who struggles with extreme social anxiety and someone who builds up anger and lets it out like a volcano. Adam Sandler’s performance was spot on and I think he deserved an Oscar nomination.

His mannerisms and facial expressions were absolutely perfect. Especially in the scene at the restaurant where Lena tells Barry about how his sister said that Barry threw a hammer when they were younger. Sandler’s facial expressions in that scene were just great and then when he destroyed the bathroom, I felt like I was watching my own life.

The most relatable scene for me was when Barry asks if it’s normal to randomly cry and then just starts crying while talking to his sister’s husband. It might seem like a funny scene, but it’s actually quite depressing and realistic.

Furthermore, the chemistry between Sandler and Emily Watson is undeniable. They are great together and Emily Watson is stunning in this movie. The scene that stands out in my mind as being nearly perfect is the sequence in which Barry tries to track down Lena in Hawaii, with "He Needs Me" playing in the background. I was filled with such joy the first time I saw that.

The colors in this movie burst off the screen, and colors have a lot of symbolism in the film. The story is fact-paced and the writing is just fantastic.

Finally, Phillip Seymour Hoffman is excellent as always. His time in the movie is short, but scene stealing. His face off with Barry at the end, is one of my favorite scenes in any movie, “That’s that Mattress Man”.

Overall, I love this beautiful film and whenever I’m feeling depressed, I love to put this movie on and enjoy the masterpiece that it is.

submitted by /u/TheGoat786
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/j1mwl3/punchdrunk_love_is_extremely_relatable_and_isnt/
