Rewatched The Rover (2014) for the first time since it came out, and enjoyed it a lot more this time around.

The Rover, starring Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson, was pretty great. It’s a bit of a slow movie, with not much in the way of plot, but it works as an examination of societal collapse.

I liked the small details of the world the film laid out. Stuff like most traders only accepting US dollars are payment, in what I assumed to be related to oil trade being made in USD. Since oil, gasoline, etc would be one of the most vital resources in this apocalypse, it makes sense. I feel like this movie could have taken place at the same time as the original Mad Max film. Society has collapsed, but small semblances of order remain, the way of the world hasn’t complete stopped ticking. I really enjoyed it as one of the more realistic visions of a “post apocalypse”.

submitted by /u/Count__X
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