Interstellar (2014) has a way worse reputation than it should.

Interstellar is a sci fi epic that suffers in its finale from the same thing many sci fi films do, overexplanation. This has lead to many saying it is a bad film and possible Christopher Nolan's worst. This can't be further from the truth. While the ending may be disappointing to many, that absolutely does not stop the rest of the movie from being fantastic. Interstellar is visually brilliant. The shots and cinematography in this film are some of the best I have ever seen. The acting is also fantastic. Everyone knows THAT SCENE which most people cried at. The score is astounding. It can be quiet and soft but also loud and booming. And this film has some of the best scenes in space since 2001: A Space Odyssey. The docking scene, the wormhole scene, the water planet scene, and many others are absolute revelations of filmmaking.

Overall, Interstellar may have failed in its destination, but goddamn was the journey there incredible.

submitted by /u/SpicyGorlGru
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