More Indie Horror, Thriller and Sci-Fi Films Worth Watching! Part 6 is finally finished (Links to previous entries included)!

I’m back with another massive list of indie horror, sci-fi and thrillers worth watching! Here is the link to part 6 in this series!

63 More Indie Horror, Thriller and Sci-Fi Films Worth Watching (Part 6)!

It took me some time to compile this altogether and I’ve started including more foreign films because I think people would really love them if they gave them a chance. For instance, for all the love Knives Out and Clue get, I think this sub would LOVE the Spanish thriller The Invisible Guest, which I think is on List 4 or 5.

Also, I want to get a few things out of the way really quick, since they always come up in the comments. I don’t include what service these films are on because in this era of streaming services, that changes so frequently, these lists would become outdated and have incorrect info within days of posting and it would just be too much to go through and try to edit them all and stay on top of what movies have moved to different services.

Before anyone asks, no I don’t include ratings from IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes on purpose. I’m sure someone here will inevitably go through and link to the scores for each of these films but I really suggest people not do that or put any stock in the reviews for these films. Review scores for genre films are always notoriously low, especially when it comes to lower budget, indie films like these and I don’t think they are a fair or accurate representation at all. Most of these films would fall between a 5-6 on IMDb and I think if people were to avoid these films based on lower scores, it’s their loss and they’re really missing out on some incredible genre fare.

Also, I'm sorry, I don’t have a letterbox account (though I know for previous albums, people have created Letterboxed lists for them, so they are out there). I just compile them all through Imgur because that’s how I started doing this 5 years ago and it’s just what I find to be the easiest in terms of compiling all the titles, adding images and linking to the albums when I’m talking about the films or making recommendations down the line.

That’s about it. I think for my next list, I would like to go through all 6 of these and compile a ‘Best Of’ list where I take the 50 best films from all 6 lists. For now though, I hope this helps you guys find some indie films and lesser known recommendations during these times where we’re all spending time at home and are in the middle of an unprecedented drought when it comes to new releases. I know that not every film here is going to appeal to every person, so please don’t feel like you have to tell me there is one title that you thought sucked so you’re writing off the whole list. There is over 60 films here and I think there is definitely stuff for every genre film fan!

The top description on the album contains links to all the previous albums but here are the links to the previous posts here on /r/movies so you can see what other people liked/didn’t like and find discussions about the older albums in this series.

55 Indie Horror, Thriller and Sci-Fi Movies to watch this October (Part 3)

More Horror, Thriller and Sci-Fi Worth Watching! Part 4

More Horror, Thriller and Indie Sci-Fi Films Worth Watching! Part 5!

I just want to add that watching, discussing and recommending films is literally one of my favorite things in the world. I might be a terrible critic because I pretty much can find something enjoyable in just about anything I watch but I do recognize what most people are going to respond to and this is the culmination of some of the best titles I've come across since the last entry (and ones that I forgot to include there) and I think there is a lot of great stuff on here that has flown under most people's radars.

It's actually been really reassuring and encouraging to see that the films I was talking about 5 years ago on the first and second lists are now getting more and more mainstream attention and finding their audience.

Anyway, I hope this all helps you guys find some films you haven’t heard of! Happy watching!

submitted by /u/SQUID_FUCKER
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