Remakes arent completely unnecessary, we should only remake movies that were bad.

First off, most of the remakes and reboots we have got were completely unnecessary considering that the source material was perfectly fine to begin with. You dont need to remake a perfectly good movie. The only movies that deserve a remake/reboot/re imagining are movies that were and are bad movies. I am mainly talking about movies with a good plot/idea but were executed horribly. Im not talking about like a remake of The Room (but Id love to see it). Take The Snowman from 2017. I thought the concept was pretty neat, but the story was muddled and since about 15% of the movie wasn't even shot and editing was bad, the movie was boring and rather bad. This is an example of an idea that deserves another take in a few years to hopefully see its full potential.

My point, dont remake good movies. Good movies should stay good. But failed movies should get another chance. so politely fuck off Pirates of the Caribbean reboot

submitted by /u/EqualDifferences
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