Who is a director whose films you've seen but you've disliked them all?

For me it's Baz Luhrmann. I've seen The Great Gatsby and Romeo and Juliet and I've disliked both. I saw Gatsby recently and I thought the pacing was really poor and the casting was really odd and not really appropriate. As an adaptation it doesn't miss things out much or change things from the book, but it just speeds through and things carry much less weight than they do in the book. As for Romeo and Juliet, it has been much longer since I saw it but I found it felt gimmicky and boring. Who's your director like that?

submitted by /u/levilaurence_
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/gtojyy/who_is_a_director_whose_films_youve_seen_but/
