Today I realised I'm a moron and got a key detail in The Fifth Element completely wrong and I'm still rattled.

So in the fifth element, I went 2 goddamn decades thinking that Leeloo Dallas Multipass was one of the egg robots that got its hand crushed while giving the man its finger key at the beginning of the movie and NOT the being in the sarcophagus which was very clearly the fifth fucking element. I shit you not, for decades I thought that those aliens all looked like hot people underneath the armour. My rationale was that they rebuild Leeloo from her hand and that's what was crushed at the beginning of the movie and I didn't even question it for years. Even though I've seen the movie like 15 times. This is what I extrapolated as a child and I just accepted it this whole time. Just felt like sharing.

submitted by /u/Queef-Elizabeth
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