Why is Darth Vader so popular?

I am not really a Star Wars fan. I watched them all tho and mostly because they were popular. None of the movies really affected me. I never felt like rewatching any one of them. Tho i acknowledge how important and ground breaking the original trilogy is. George Lucas surely had an inventive mind and he created an impressive world. Even if i am not any part of it, i've seen endless discussions about this series, the characters. Darth Vader seems to be the most popular one and i've seen him being referred to as the greatest villain ever, by a lot of people...and...i just don't get it. The character or anything about him never left any impression on me. I actually thought the costume was kinda...dumb and then i peer into the things being said about him and none of them really resonates with me. So, i've gotta ask, What is it about this character?

submitted by /u/rudz97
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/froenq/why_is_darth_vader_so_popular/
