The Planet of the Apes trilogy has the best visual effects of the past decade and should be recognized by more people

One think I love about this trilogy, aside from its acting and character growth, is that its visuals improve with each film. The first film slightly looks like a video game (which makes sense because it came out nearly 10 years ago) yet its sequels are honestly so realistic that I'd forget that I'm seeing humans onscreen. Everything from the facial features to the movements to the expressions of the apes have so much detail crafted into them that it's breathtaking to see. It's sad that they didn't win they Academy Award for best effects, and I feel like this trilogy could be referred to as being DiCaprioed or Deakined (it lost to Hugo, Interstellar, and BR2049, so it's a fair play for all of them).

submitted by /u/MichiganSummerSnow
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