What are the best movies to watch while dealing with a breakup?

I feel one coming on in my personal life. I came up with two on my own.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Legitimately funny no matter your relationship status. Jason Segal plays the character as kind of a weird loser. He's by himself most of the time on his vacation, he cries so much and so loudly in his room that people complain, he finds out he was cheated on, ten minutes before the end of the movie he's alone, back in his house, full of self-loathing and failing on his dream project. It's also pretty fair-minded and doesn't idolize him or let him off the hook with his own culpability over the failed relationship.

500 Days of Summer. JGL in that movie is the kind of deluded sadsack we've all been before. That split-screen scene was a knife in the guts.

I guess I mainly stick to comedies, because god knows I don't need more dark and gritty reminders of how much love is pain.

submitted by /u/JamesCodaCola
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/evesdo/what_are_the_best_movies_to_watch_while_dealing/
