What are the best and/or your favorite examples of casting against type?

Was watching Star Trek Picard, and for all its flaws, it's fun to see Patrick Stewart back in the role. Picard and Professor X are easily his most famous roles and the characters he will likely forever be associated with.

This made me realize that his role in Green Room is easily one of the best examples of casting against type, in that he plays the brooding, violent leader of a group of Neo-Nazi skinheads. Unless I'm mistaken I can't think of any other role he's ever done that came close to this. Like Albert Brooks in Drive, except even this character wasn't inherently evil the way Stewart's character was.

What are other great examples this?

submitted by /u/mafternoonshyamalan
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/evsnvh/what_are_the_best_andor_your_favorite_examples_of/
