The ending and payoff of 1917 is incredible

Just watched the movie.

Really good movie, unique experience, amazing acting and cinematography. At least for me, the way the whole movie tells the story its a representation of 'duty is its own reward' for both the character and the audience, and the whole payoff is distributed in 3 'acts' in the final 20 minutes.

Spoilers, of course.

The first act, seeing Schofield rush thought the battlefield, nearly not giving the letter to Mackenzie and finally forcing him to stand down the troops is excellent; after seeing him survive almost everything, you see him finally accomplish the mission and stopping the attack, even though Mackenzie (Cumberbatch) wanted to ignore him and continue his lust for battle (as established by Mark Strong's character) seeing the moment of duty fulfilled is incredible. And the funny thing is, the payoff has just started.

His duty ended, Schofield seaches for Blake's brother (Madden). After being told by Mackenzie to fuck off, he desperately begins looking for Blake's brother in the tents for the wounded and the movie does an excellent job in creating the idea of 'maybe he is dead or seriously wounded' until you hear Blake's brother voice.

The second act ends in sadness, as Schofield informs him that Blake died and even though Schofield tells what made Blake a good person, you feel a punch in the gut wanting for a better ending for the protagonist who lost almost everything to accomplish the mission and which at that point, hasn't 'received' his reward, which leads to the final 'act'.

The final act and the final scene of the movie, with Schofield finally earning a rest after his grueling journey lifts the mood up, only for him to be 'rewarded' by looking at the pictures of both his wife and daughter which was set up earlier when he and Blake were talking about the importance of medals, giving Schofield a happy ending during the circunstances and us, the audience, a terrific finale of an epic movie.

submitted by /u/BoostedTyrian
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