Ross Lynch can actually act

Recently I watched My Friend Dahmer and was very impressed with Ross Lynch’s performance, I think it’s probably his best. Usually with these Disney stars you never think much of their acting chops since they have really bad material to work with(Disney shows are terrible now). But I was pleasantly surprised by his portrayal of Jeffrey Dahmer.I really love it when you get amazing performances from actors you wouldn’t expect(Adam Sandler in uncut gems this year and Eddie Murphy in Dolemite). The film is divisive because some see it as another movie that glorifies serial killers. However I thought it was an interesting look into the makings of a killer. Seeing as how the film follows a young Jeffrey Dahmer who has yet to bloody his hands. I found it captivating and Lynch only added to the experience. From the way he hunches his shoulders to the way he quietly mumbles and slurs his words together. He portrays an awkward and embittered high school kid perfectly. And while I don’t condone what the real Jeffrey Dahmer did,(he deserves all the hate he gets)because of what Lynch brings to the performance, I couldn’t help but feel sad in the end when the film ends with him driving away with his first victim. Sad for the victim and how any little thing could have changed the events of that day, the kill that would eventually make Dahmer want more and more.

submitted by /u/Grambul
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