Has a trailer seemed "Meh" to you until you find out who is directing or producing it?

For example; when I originally saw the trailer for Hereditary, I was not really that impressed until I saw that it was being made by A24. Immediately my interest shot up because of the quality movies this studio produces.

Same can be said for UPGRADE. When I found out it was made by Leigh Whennel of SAW fame, my interest went drom 6 to 10. Same goes if I see James Wan listed as the director for a movie.

There are just certain studios or names that if put in the director's chair; my interest sky rockets. I know their history and know what kind of quality to expect.

Have you ever felt 'meh' at first until you realized who is directing/producing a movie?

submitted by /u/Videowulff
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/ewi0gx/has_a_trailer_seemed_meh_to_you_until_you_find/
