Do you believe people when they say things like, "Ha! I could see the twist coming from a mile away"?

Maybe I'm dense and others are intelligent. But invariably when I read opinions on films that have "twists" throughout a story or some big reveal towards the end, I always see people write, "Meh, it was boring, I could see it coming before it happened." and so on...

I find it rare, if it's happened at all, for me to be able to narrow down how a film is going to end whilst watching it, especially when there is a "twist" or so at the end. Maybe I'm the type that's caught up in the moment as the story unfolds to think too far ahead...

How does this sub fare in this respect? Are you able to narrow down how a film is going to end before it happens? Or is it a case of people taking liberties in having 3, 4 or 5 theories throughout and when one of them comes to pass it's their time to grandstand? Or do these types just talk rubbish?

Let me know.


submitted by /u/QualityJobbiePolis
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