9 (The Movie)

Today I rewatched the movie 9. When I was five it was my favorite movie. Looking back I guess I kinda thought it was scary but it had a happy ending that tought me even when the monsters get you... things still don't have to end badly. Now, rewatching it, I see a lot of things that formed myself and who I am. This movie tought me to stand up for what's right. To stand up to authority when I knew what they were doing is wrong. It tought me that I may be small but with the right knowledge and the right friends I can conquer anything. Lastly it tought me not to be afraid. I don't think I've ever seen animation that good ever since. (Except maybe Ready Player One--) It had this Tim Burton like appearance and was pretty dark but comparing it to Coraline I'm not that surprised. Those were everything to me growing up. I hope this isn't crap... I'm not good at writing. I hope you agree with me on the themes of this movie and I also hope I didn't totally fail at explaining what's in my head. Bye folks!

submitted by /u/EmoTionalScrewup
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/eherby/9_the_movie/
