We need more stories that take place entirely on trains

I just watched Train to Busan for the first time (fantastic film), and we need more plots that take place primarily on trains.

I can’t think of many off the top of my head, but the ones I can think of have all been at least interesting.

Snowpiercer is a unique, if logically flawed, concept. Train to Busan is straight up awesome. And the recent Bullet Train was just a ton of fun.

A train is a great vehicle (no pun intended) for presenting a story. The contained setting can make for some really interesting ideas and set pieces.

Any other train movies I should check out?

submitted by /u/LutheranSinner
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/15pih36/we_need_more_stories_that_take_place_entirely_on/
