What movie death made you mad for the pointlessness of it?

I'm talking about a death that made you upset at the uselessness of it, with no payoff storywise, for character development, etc. Almost where it seems like the writers didn't know what to do with a character. And not one where you can say narratively it was needed (think Jonathan Kent from Man of Steel;didn't like that death, but I understood what they were trying for).

For me it was Gordon Silberman from 2012,dies being crushed to death, very unceremoniously. Probably so the movie could follow the 'divorced couple gets back together' trope at the end. Hated because his character wasn't an asshole, kinda milquetoast, but saves the group at one point,and a decent guy. Just lazy and didn't need to happen. Always makes me feel bad.

What's yours?

submitted by /u/bodymathindex
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/14klex1/what_movie_death_made_you_mad_for_the/
