Alien³ Assembly Cut is worthy of being in the Alien Trilogy.

While there is a lot of didcussion on whether Alien or Aliens is the better movie, Alien³ always gets relegated in the discussion. I rewatched the Assembly cut yesterday and I must say it's my second favorite Alien movie after Alien. It feels like the true sequel from Alien. If you remove Newt and Hicks from the beginning, it could easily be part 2. I am impressed on what Fincher was trying to do. The movie is bleak; takes its time to flesh out characters and conflicts; it's brave by pushing boundaries and expanding the Alien universe.

For one, character arcs are way more interesting that those in Aliens. I always though Aliens had clichés for characters. The dialogue hasn't aged well. In this movie, you get different characters carrying the burden of guilt. Everyone is trying to deal with it in their own way. The goal is redemption, even for Ripley.

The movie is brave by killing two characters and dealing with the consequences. It refuses on rehashing the plot (like Aliens did) and pushes the franchise into new horizons. It dares killing the main character Adds lore and is not afraid on exploring new themes. The production design is impressive and Fincher knows it, that's why he insists on filming from below to get a look of the ceilings. There were no shortcuts here. The action scenes are things to behold and the horror is well done.

The thing I liked the best was returning the perfect killing machine status to Alien. Aliens makes a mistake in making the Aliens seem less threatening by commiting the sin of Conservation of Ninjutsu. This states that one Ninja is a deadly threat, but an army of them are cannon fodder. This is exactly what happens in Aliens.

I would like to end ranking Alien as the best, Alien³ second and Aliens a close third. While many find Aliens fun and enjoyable (and it absolutely is) I would say it's a bit less than Alien³. Aliens is no bad movie, but to me, Alien³ is more stimulating to the brain, and I crave than more.

TL;DR Aliens is s good movie, but I like Alien³ more because it dared to experiment and take risks that pay off. Also I know It's a Quadrilogy, but we are not really considering Resurrection a worthy addition.

submitted by /u/ERSTF
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