What movie captures the intensity of the story so well?

War of the Worlds (05) does this incredibly well! I mean the moment the invasion starts up until the end, the performances by all three main cast as well as the extras, I think it's just a phenomenal performance all around. I remember watching the first time and being on the edge of my seat for the whole movie. Very few movies have rarely brought this level of intensity out of me. Even after the rewatches (although it will never be as the same as the first initial watch), still has me on the edge. The music is also a major factor in this reaction as well!

So I'm curious to know, what movie has done such a phenomenal job at keeping your attention at such a high level?

submitted by /u/DrEvil007
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/12108g3/what_movie_captures_the_intensity_of_the_story_so/
