Escape From L.A. has become eerily relevant

I was just reflecting on this after seeing Escape From New York again recently, and putting L.A. on this morning. The original has typically been revered over the sequel, and it does still feel more its own thing (the sequel follows a lot of the same beats).

However, we're a long ways now from New York's wilder years in the 1970s. Most viewers don't even know what NY was like in the 70s.

Today, the opening exposition in Escape From L.A., which posits a 'moral' America with a lifetime conservative president (who moves the capitol from D.C. to his hometown of Lynchburg, VA, not coincidentally the home of Liberty University, lol), is eerily more of a viable future in 2023. Not to get too topical, but, watching this today immediately made me think of what a DeSantis presidency might look like.

A lot of the L.A.-specific stuff hasn't aged well, but it's wild to me how the movie hits differently/better than it even did 10-15 years ago, when it was already dated. It feels more current to me watching it today than it did then. Art ages sometimes in jagged lines...

submitted by /u/s0mnambulance
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