Viewing a streaming service's list of titles from A-Z really exposes how much they are lacking

I guess the streaming platforms are really good at just showing you what you want to see, and making it look like they have more interesting titles than they actually have.

I was curating my watchlists, and was getting frustrated that I couldn't easily see lists of titles, so I decided to just look at their entire movie catalogue, A-Z. It was pretty eye-opening, at least for me.

I'm looking at Netflix for example, and half of their movies look to be foreign films, mostly from India. The rest is a smattering of mediocre comedies, sequels to titles that the platform isn't showing for some reason (Kung Fu Panda 3, but none of the others, just as one example, there's surprisingly tons though), some documentaries, some Netflix originals, and every once in a while there's a classic/hit movie.

submitted by /u/DuckDrunkLove
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