Wolf Children (2012 Japanese animated fantasy drama)

Hard to believe this masterful animated fantasy from Japan is 10 years old! One of 2012's highest grossing movies in Japan and critically acclaim and award winning.

A creative and unique motion picture with fantasy and drama that starts off in the first half with a human X monster love story (ala Shape of Water or Beauty and the Beast or whatever) where Hana our lead lady meets a college student who turn out to be a werewolf but this werewolf would never kill any human as Hana accepts him for who he is, then marriage, making out and produced 2 hybrid shapeshifters who are half werewolf/half human. Second part is a Coming of age story in the tradition of The Wonder Years where these young werewolf hybrids must learn to control their powers and one of them will chose to be a wolf or human.

It's basically Cat People (1982), Beauty and the Beast (the old story), Shape of Water, The Wonder Years and Ghibli movies in one creative and unique fairy tale.

submitted by /u/TalesfromtheCrypt82
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/uxnex4/wolf_children_2012_japanese_animated_fantasy_drama/
