What are some of the most brilliant practical effects ever used in the film industry?

For me, it's a tie between the effects created by Stan Winston's team for The Terminator and Judgement Day and Rob Bottin's works on the things. The sheer detail, the craftsmanship, the passion which clearly showed in the end results - it was shocking. Not to mention how well it's aged. These effects hold up to this day, looking very good in comparison to some of the modern CGI models and digital environments. And it's so hard for me to choose the better out of the two. Both were legendary feats accomplished by great artists.

How about you? What are some of your favorite uses of practical effects in the film industry?

submitted by /u/Bruhmangoddman
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/szobwp/what_are_some_of_the_most_brilliant_practical/
