The Player (1992)

No its not the best movie of all time but this was very damn good. For some odd reason I've grown very fond and attached to it. I guess its because I love movies that are set in Los Angeles and revolve around the film industry. Anyway onto the point, The Player is a 1992 Thriller Comedy Drama that was directed by Robert Altman and stars Tim Robbins as a Hollywood studio executive where he goes through all kinds of bizarre circumstances and events. I don't want to go in to deep because I don't want to ruin the story, but lets just say its situations nobody wants to be in. What I found to be intriguing about The Player though was how it depicts the film industry in a negative way. Aspiring screenwriters being rejected, greedy and despisable executives, and the unsettling characterization of the main protagonist, Griffin Mill. Everything else about The Player is also great, the acting, writing, direction, etc. I was also surprised by appearances of other famous actors and actresses. Let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/Jardani-kun
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