A movie that you love but still aware that it's an objectively bad movie?

For me it's The Butterfly Effect (2004). I bursted into tears at the end of the movie when the song Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis hit. That was the only movie that ever made me cry. I love it so much, despite its bad acting and stupid plot holes. Ashton Kutcher sucked in this movie and he's never been a good actor. The plot is very original but there are some noticeable plot holes and some dialogues are kinda dumb. However, the movie is so haunting and emotional and I still think about it years after I watched it, that's why I love it.

submitted by /u/DitMeVan
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/ou2jgz/a_movie_that_you_love_but_still_aware_that_its_an/
