You know a film is powerful when you’re still crying 30 min AFTER it ended: Grave of the fireflies (1988) by Isao Takahata. A haunting reminder how fragile and mesmerizing life is.

I posted here a few days ago about being blown away by Miyazaki’s Castle in the Sky and someone suggested I should now watch Grave of the fireflies - not read any reviews online, just go and watch it.

I got curious so that’s exactly what I did. I didn’t know anything about the story and although I did expect it to be emotional, I didn’t realize just how emotional.

This film is so rich. It’s just as terrifying as it is charming, and as someone who’s always rooted for animated films, I feel Grave of the fireflies gives the genre a whole new meaning.

If you haven’t seen it, do as I did: don’t read about it, just go and watch it. Then read about it.

Edit: u/RSperfect thanks for the recommendation!

submitted by /u/tuesdaycocktail
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