We are the Spielberg generation. How a director shaped a generation, teaching us a love for knowledge, the past, and the future.

Jaws, E.T, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Hook, Saving Private Ryan

If you were born between the late seventies and now chances are at one point in your life, one of your favorite movies was a Spielberg film. From 1977 on, he has shaped us through his movies, showing us just how influential cinema can be. I genuinely believe that this is a great thing; just look at how he makes us look at the world.

His films introduced wonder back into the theaters, after the doom and gloom of the seventies. E.T, Hook, and Jurassic park remind us that being and child and childhood memories are important. He lets us reconnect with the whimsical.

Indiana Jones, Jurrasic Park, and Jaws feature strong characters of education, inspiring many, such as myself, to look into the fields of Archaeology, marine biology, and paleontology. His movies also increased the interest significantly in those fields. What kid didn't want to be like Indy in the 80s or Ellie Sadler in Jurassic Park?

His films look to the future what we can do if we apply ourselves personally and globally.

He also taught us to remember the past, Schindler's List, Amistad, Saving Private Ryan. Many of us learned about the horrors of war through his films, the holocaust, D-day, and the devastation of the slave trade. He shows us that the past has immense pain that we must not forget. We can not forget their stories.

Though there are many fantastic directors, few have impacted our culture that Spielberg has.

submitted by /u/TheMediocreCritic
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/j2d31q/we_are_the_spielberg_generation_how_a_director/
