Near the end of Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston said he’d watch Aaron Paul win an Oscar one day

I took this as a no brainer back then. Now it’s more in question. Not because of his talent but because his career has gone in a different direction.

I didn’t watch Westworld S3 because I no longer care about that show.

I didn’t watch the Hulu show because I didnt think the premise was interesting.

But I do know Aaron Paul is an extremely good actor. He was just one Coen Bros. movie (or something) away from a better career path. Not that he’s doing so bad right now. I just think he should be Adam Driver level by now or close to it. I’m curious to see what the future holds in store and I hope one day, he will get his ‘scars (that’s my slightly shorter nickname for Oscars).

submitted by /u/posting_in_ps5thread
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