Why did Timothy Treadwell (Grizzly Man) film 13 years worth of footage but never actually share it?

I don't understand this very obvious and fundamental question. It's not addressed even once in the documentary, and I've tried searching for answers on it through Google... it doesn't seem like anyone's even asking this question! The only results that even come up are people obsessed with his death audio.

This man had accumulated 13 YEARS of footage! This is truly astounding. Hour upon hour, day after day, for 2-3 months, for 13 years... it's insane to think of the sheer volume of material he created.

Plus, this guy clearly fancied himself as a filmmaker, not just a supreme bear advocate/protector.

So this begs the primary question: why didn't he ever release any of the footage, ever? Why would a person expose themselves to such extreme danger, year after year, painstakingly recording these bears for over a DECADE.... and not ever show the material?

Yes, I know he did public speaking and educational speaking. However, everything I've read says he simply gave talks / stories / photo slideshows. People on Reddit have even described their own classroom experiences with him.

It couldn't possibly be an issue with distribution. There would have been SO many ways for him to get his material out: public access, direct-to-video, selling it to a network, literally anything! In a world where far dumber people with absolutely dreadful material have had ZERO problems broadcasting their material (hell, does anyone remember Tom Green having his own show in Canada?)... this certainly is not an explanation.

So, what's the real explanation? My only guess... is that it's somehow tangled up into the whole mental health battle he dealt with his whole life. This guy clearly had a ton of problems, and eventually developed a huge persecution/martyr complex.

I almost feel like... maybe the videos he recorded we never actually intended to be seen by others. Maybe it was just some sort of weird personal diary/universe that he was the complete and total controller over, where no one could scrutinize/criticize/react or even comment on the narrative he was telling.

In a weird way, Tim tried to make himself a public figure, but the videos were perhaps always meant to be private, intended only for himself... maybe he'd even have objected to the documentary using his footage.

Anyway, I'm speculating. But I'm very annoyed that there's been no discussion on this. What gives?

And furthermore, why not hasn't his estate released the videos after the fact? Why shouldn't we be able to see his lifelong project on Youtube, witnessing such raw unadulterated footage of these bears? I'm not even talking about his death! Just the wildlife material the man recorded for 13 years! It just further raises my suspicions that he never wanted anyone to see the videos...

submitted by /u/RelocationWoes
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/friayb/why_did_timothy_treadwell_grizzly_man_film_13/
