My wife will NOT talk about a movie once we finish watching it. How do you cope with that?

So, perfect example was tonight - we watched Avengers: Infinity War. I gave her the general gist from the movies she missed and she had already seen a few others so she knew majority of the back-story.

We watch the movie, full start to phones, just pure absorbent.

Movie finishes, and all i get from her was a "that was a good movie". Thats LITERALLY all she had to say about it. Like, what the hell!!!!

And its not just this, ANYTIME we watch a movie she doesnt talk about it after. No plot debate, likes dislikes, acting quality, cinematography comments, if the score was appropriate.

NOTHING. How do i cope??

Edit: This post was made with light humor. Love my wife and our differences.

submitted by /u/GodofAeons
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