I know this is a popular opinion, and I'm sure it's been posted before....but WOW. The Lord of the Rings films are truly timeless masterpieces.

After rewatching them again, it's unbelievable to think that these movies are nearly 20 years old.

Perhaps the general lack of CGI (and focus on practical effects) helps, but even the CGI (when used) is beautiful.

Peter Jackson has a knack for making large, epic battle scenes. The Battle for Helms Deep was one of the most insane battle scenes on film, and the sheer scope of The Battle of Pellenor Fields is jaw dropping.

The acting? Superb. The story? Obviously, thanks to JRR Tolkein, is wonderful. The visuals? Still holding up some 20 years later.

The Hobbit films aren't bad per se, but they truly do live in the shadows of LoTR. Especially with the excessive CGI use and extra stories. Again, I do love The Hobbit, but they won't achieve the timeless masterpiece status that LoTR has.

Sorry, I'm sure this has been posted a lot, but I really hadda rant for a minute.

submitted by /u/Gmb1t
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/fs4tc0/i_know_this_is_a_popular_opinion_and_im_sure_its/
